Fibroscan is a non-invasive and cheap method that is used to estimate the degree of liver damage, progression or improvement of diseases and chronic hepatitis. The fibroscan device measures the hardness of the liver tissue using ultrasonic vibration waves.
Preparations before the Fibroscan:
3 hours before the Fibroscan, the patient should not consume food and liquids and the stomach should be completely empty.
The patient should wear loose and comfortable clothes for the Fibroscan.

Liver fibroscan procedure
1. The patient lies on his back, the doctor places the ultrasound probe on the skin above the liver and begins to examine and evaluate the liver.
2. Fibroscan test takes about ten minutes and does not cause discomfort to the patient.
3. It takes a maximum of one hour from the time of the fibroscan to the delivery of the report.
4. Fibroscan does not require anesthesia.
5. The patient does not need to be accompanied.
6. Fibroscanning is a quick procedure without hospitalization.

Interpretation of liver fibroscan
In the fibroscan report, the stiffness of the liver is reported between 1.5 and 75 kPa and CAP (indicating obesity) between 100-400 dB/m. The obtained values should be checked by a doctor specializing in gastroenterology and liver diseases, taking into account the patient's medical history and test results.

Dear patient:
The announced date and time is for you, so in order to avoid violating the rights of other patients, please be present at the announced time. The announced time for your attendance may vary according to the conditions, so expect a waiting time of about 1 and a half hours.

Novin Farabi Gastroenterology Clinic, 2nd Floor, Farabi Doctors Building, between 2nd and 4th North Kosar St., Vakil Abad Blvd., Mashhad, Iran
Phone: +985138704066 +985138704067
Mobile number for emergencies only: +989020069902